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Spring Mini Immersion

Spring Mini Immersion

Blikberget, Norway 

special price 1500 Euros/ 15,000 NOK

Contact to register

As the light returns and the land reappears from under the long months of snow cover, we awaken with our dreams and visions for the coming season fresh in our minds.

Some of the skills we may cover include the following:

  • Fur tanning

  • Fish skin tanning

  • Fire making

  • Animal processing

  • Working horses

  • Spring skiing

  • Animal tracking

  • Stories, music and singing

The classes will be on an informal schedule, depending on priorities, weather, circumstance and availability of materials. During the month we will become a small clan and find that there are many more secrets to unravel in community living!

Class costs include supplies unless otherwise specified but NOT food, dinners are planned, bought and cooked by participants on a rotational basis. Students should bring their own breakfast foods and snack lunches that can be packed for excursions and do not require cooking.

At the Living Wild school in Norway we have accommodations in the community space and workshop where you can stay warm and comfortable while working on projects. This class is open to beginners or seasoned practitioners of wilderness skills.

Our new sauna and a dip in the creek to make you feel alive!

January 27


July 5

Lithica Gathering